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天氣 Weather

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天氣預報 - Weather report 📄

/weh·thr ruh·port/

季節 - Seasons


溫度 - Temperature 🌡


Temperature 溫度

熱 - Hot


冷 - Cold


溫暖 - Warm


凉快 - Cool


乾 - Dry


潮濕 - Humid


The Four Seasons 四季

春天 - Spring🌸


夏天 - Summer 🏖


秋天 - Autumn 🍁


冬天 - Winter ❄️


Types of Weather 天氣現象

晴天 - Sunny


多雲 - Cloudy


雨 - Rain


風 - Wind


霧 - Fog


雪 - Snow


雷陣雨 - Thunderstorm


颱風 - Typhoon


土石流 - Landslide


乾旱 - Drought


示例對話 Example Conversations

Q: 明天天氣怎麼樣?What's the weather like tomorrow?

A: 明天會下雨。It will be rainy tomorrow.

Q: 明天天氣怎麼樣?What's the weather like tomorrow?

A: 天氣預報說明天很熱。According to the weather report, it will be very hot tomorrow.

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